Gigue from Partita No. 6- JSB
Here is another one...
Ramblings on utterly nothing
Here is another one...
Posted by
a bystander
12/30/2006 01:46:00 AM
Here is one of those moments where he just swoops down from heaven and takes you away somewhere...
Posted by
a bystander
12/30/2006 01:41:00 AM
Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of Glenn Gould's death. I don't think we will ever have one quite like him. He's piano playing and gestures were, at times, odd and unusual, as if his world was not of this world, but the beauty of music he creates is such that one could only hope to belong in his realm.
I remember that whenever I thought I was at the end of my robe, at my wit's end, he was always there to lend his musical hand to pull me out. When I am "in" his music, all the worries and the impuries of mind wash away that one could only describe the experience as catharsis.
Posted by
a bystander
12/30/2006 12:04:00 AM
I'm reading "the Iliad" by Homer. One book that every high school teacher in the States wants you to read. Though, I thought I read it back in high school, I am surprised to find out that most of the events in the book reveal to me as if it's being read for the first time. I remember not liking the book when I was in high school, but this time, it reads like a great adventure, war novel. I guess it has, partly, to do with the translation by Robert Fagles, who just recently published another excellent, per reviews by notable publications in the US, translation of Virgil's Aeneid. I am no fan of classics but this is a great book to read. Luckly, I have another book by Fagles, published after the sucess of "the iliad," "the odyssey." Thanks to Fagles, and, of course, Homer, I now have a few weeks worth of reading, a very happy happy few weeks, indeed.
Posted by
a bystander
12/29/2006 11:28:00 PM
I thought this picture compliments the one below very well in mood. Taken a few seconds after the previous one.
Posted by
a bystander
12/29/2006 11:24:00 PM
This picture was taken when I was on a beach on the west coast of Korea. I took it when the sun was just about to set. The picture gives a peculiar quality, a certain mood, that I cannot quite convey in words. I posted it because it's exactly how I feel right now.
Posted by
a bystander
12/29/2006 10:56:00 PM
Why am I disillusioned? that's for you to find out and for me to prove.
Posted by
a bystander
12/29/2006 10:41:00 PM