Sunday, December 16, 2007

about Obama

I like him. Period. End of story.

But then again, he’s a risky one, as far as pitting him against a republican candidate, whoever it’ll be, in the general election. Nevertheless, I’d like to see him compete against those republican machines that have hijacked American ideals. Although I have to admit Hillary is a much more shrewder politician than Obama is but I’m disturbed, as the election day approaches, by the way she has carried out her campaign. I am afraid she would cause the republicans to revert to their old hate attacks on the democrats, which was so prevalent in the 90’s. It won’t help the country, nor get us out of this deep hole.

Obama, on the other hand, gives us a hope, though very tenuous, nonetheless a hope. I’m old and wise enough to know that in this modern age we live no one politician can completely alter the course we are on, though Obama can make people believe that people can come together, left or right, for the greater good. I can envision Obama doing this, but not, much to my dismay, Hillary, seeing that, along with her husband, she has been the made object of republican hate, becoming unfortunately for her both a victim and cause of much of the US politics now. it is so hard to believe she can end it. Obama, through not his own making, escaped this perilous period of American politics; he’s not part of it, therefore he can safely dismiss it out of hand.

It’s not fair to vote, especially for Hillary, based on assumption rather than the candidate’s ability as a leader, but I think this election is different in that we have seen much of what can happen in the politics of hate. I want someone with a fresh approach; and the leadership that can both show the world that whatever has caused the water to become muddy is now behind us and only thing we have to worry about is the future.

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